Silver has been regarded globally as a form of money and store of value for more than 4,000 years. In fact, silver along with gold is the ultimate form of money, since; a) it can’t be created out of thin air like paper or digital currencies, b) it stores it’s value relatively well even in a time of crises, like wars and natural catastrophes. That said, it never harm to own couple of silver bars for a rainy day, doesn’t it? The downside in silver and in other precious metals is, as the name reveals, that they do not come in free. Well, that true in most of the cases… However, by playing LOONEY INVADERS, you can earn valuable silver bars* for free on monthly bases! That’s crazy, isn’t it?
Can you imagine that we deliver two silver bars* weighting 250 grams and 1000 grams to our tournament winners on monthly bases for 100 % free? Yes that’s right, LOONEY INVADERS is free-to-play and free-to-win game you do not have to spend money to be rewarded with these silver bar. All you need to do is joint to our free tournaments and hold #1 top position in leaderboard at the end of the tournament.
Here are the rules of our monthly tournaments in details:
1) The purpose of tournaments is to make battle from global rankings more interesting and exciting. However joining to tournaments is optional and thus you can always play LOONEY INVADES without joining the tournaments
2) You must be aged 13 or over to join tournaments
3) You can join(register) to current and upcoming tournaments at any given from our website LOONEY INVADERS tournament registration
4) You can unjoin(resign) from current and upcoming tournaments at any given time from our website LOONEY INVADERS tournament registration
5) Tournaments starts at 1st day of the present month 00:25:00 GMT and ends at 1st day of upcoming month at 00:15:15 GMT
6) Registered player holding #1 position in the extinction level leaderboard (month category) at the end of the tournament, i.e. 1st day of any given month at 00:15:15 GMT, if registered, is rewarded with silver bar* weighting 1000 grams
7) Registered player holding #1 position in the earth levels leaderboard (month category) at the end of the tournament, i.e. 1st day of any given month at 00:15:15 GMT, if registered, is rewarded with silver* bar weighting 250 grams*
8) Rewards,* i.e. silver bars containing individual serial number and certificate of authenticity are provided by GEIGER Edelmetalle gmbh
9) Players must claim their rewards within 30 days by posting screenshot of their “my stats” page to the LOONEY INVADERS Facebook page to proof that they have made the top score
10) To make game fair, single player can be rewarded 2 times per category. After that player cannot participate to the tournaments.
11) All forms of cheating and manipulation of game and game results are forbidden and seen as criminal act, which will be prosecuted accordingly
12) SIN & REMORSE Oy reserves all the right to change and modify the rules of monthly tournaments at any time
* As the game has just been released and there is only a small group of people playing the game the rewards in this “initial stage” will be 200 USD (extinction level) and 50 USD (earth level). However in the case there are less than 10 tournament participants the current tournament will be cancelled. Rewards will be changed to silver bars after app has reached 10 000 downloads.
Monthly tournaments are organized and supervised solely by SIN & REMORSE Oy. The tournaments are held apart from ecosystems of Google Play store and App store, thus Google Inc. and Apple Inc. have nothing to do with these tournaments.